Virtual Private Server Hosting

Virtual Private Server Hosting provides levels of performance, flexibility and control that fall between shared and dedicated hosting. VPS servers are run on a physical machine with a hypervisor that ringfences hardware resources to individual VMs.

This ensures that your website’s performance is not affected by other environments on the same server as is the case with shared hosting. You also get allocated bandwidth for more reliable performance.


VPS Hosting is ideal for businesses that are starting to grow and outgrow shared plans. With a VPS, you can add more resources to your server as you grow, so your website will always be fast and reliable.

VSP hosts provide levels of performance, flexibility and control somewhere between those offered by multi-tenant shared hosting and single-tenant dedicated hardware. While a virtual private server still operates on a physical machine operated by your cloud or hosting provider, each VPS has reserved resources, which gives you more control over applications, memory and CPU than a standard shared environment.

Kamatera offers a variety of both managed and unmanaged VPS options that are perfect for growing websites. With a range of different plans available, you can choose the size and features that best suit your needs, from 1 GB of RAM and 500 GB of storage to 16 GB of RAM, 300 GB of NVMe storage and 6 TB of bandwidth.


With VPS hosting, you get your own space on a physical server. The server uses a hypervisor, a layer on top of the OS that separates the physical server into virtual compartments. Each compartment gets its own operating system and software.

This makes it possible to host many websites on a single server without impacting each other’s performance. It also eliminates the risk of one website overusing the server’s resources and affecting other sites on the same server.

This type of hosting is a good option for eCommerce websites. It is more reliable than shared hosting because you are allocated your own bandwidth. It is also a better option for PCI compliance, as it allows for greater data security. Most VPS hosting providers have systems in place for backup and recovery, so you should not worry about losing your data. However, you should choose a reliable provider that offers 24/7 customer support. This is especially important if you are a developer and need to quickly troubleshoot issues.


As with any type of server, VPS hosting requires security measures to protect data and prevent cyberattacks. These include strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and keeping operating systems and software up to date with security patches. In addition, servers should be backed up to ensure that data is available in case of an unplanned hardware failure or security breach.

The best way to prevent attacks on your virtual private server is to update software as soon as possible. Vulnerabilities are discovered regularly and software developers release patches to fix them. Vulnerabilities that go unnoticed or are not updated could be exploited by hackers to steal data, tamper with functions, or eavesdrop on conversations.

In addition to deploying software updates promptly, you can also add additional protections such as a firewall. The firewall can prevent unauthorized access by blocking traffic from ports and IP addresses that are not needed. In addition, it can separate the operating system from user file partitions to make logging in to your server more difficult.


VPS hosting offers a lot of customization options. Users can choose the operating system, applications, and other configurations of their virtual server. They can also control how much memory and processing power they want to use. In addition, they can have unmetered bandwidth on a fixed line, although this may be subject to fair usage policies.

Users can also get superuser (root) access to their server. This gives them more control and privacy over their files and data. Additionally, they can install and upgrade software. VPS is often used by websites that have more traffic than a shared host can handle.

For example, a social networking site can benefit from a VPS because it needs enough resources to manage large traffic spikes. The same goes for eCommerce sites that process payments. The best VPS providers offer a variety of plans to fit any need. For example, Leaseweb offers managed and unmanaged VPS hosting. Its calculator tool lets users select the combination of RAM, CPU, and storage they need for their website.

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