What is the Metaverse?

There’s much discussion regarding the metaverse these days. Businesses are preemptively claiming virtual land within it for use as part of customer engagement strategies or training efforts. Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney sees it as an interoperable physical Internet. Brands should start building teams to explore this emerging territory now. Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence lies […]

How to Secure Your Online Accounts Best Practices and Tips

Online banking offers convenience, but it also leaves you vulnerable to cyber threats. Luckily, you can take steps to protect your online accounts. One of the best things you can do is use strong passwords and a password manager. You should also set up two-factor authentication, which will require a second form of identification to […]

Understanding Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Applications

Developed by Satoshi Nakamoto, blockchain is a decentralized database that safeguards records. It is primarily used in Bitcoin and other wide-scale cryptocurrency coins to process transactions securely. Typically, information gets recorded by using public and private keys of the two parties involved. Blockchain eliminates this third-party involvement resulting in time and cost saving for businesses. […]

The Internet of Things – Connecting the World

IoT refers to an interconnected network of physical devices equipped with sensors and software enabling them to exchange information without human interference, collecting and exchanging data without human involvement. Connected systems are revolutionizing industries from factories and healthcare to transportation and beyond, offering predictive maintenance capabilities as well as improved safety and productivity. What is […]